Collection: Rusty

Rusty Preisendorfer began shaping surfboards as a teenager.  Soon he started shaping surfboards for major surfboard brands. 

In the 1980s and after success on his shapes, Rusty began to brand his work under Canyon surfboards with his own logo. This heralded the birth of Rusty models being ridden by more than half the pro surfers in the ASP (now WSL) Top 16 including Australia’s Mark Occhilupo and Californian Dave Parmenter.

As a rivalry developed between Occy and Californias Tom Curren, the publicity blasted Rusty into the surfboard shaping spotlight, with Occy riding Rusty models and Tom ridding Al Merrick / Channel Islands surfboards. It was time for this master of surfboard shaping to take the plunge on his own.

Breaking away from Canyon in 1985, Rusty the man became Rusty the brand. Starting his own shaping line using a large R with a dot as his logo. This was referred to simply as the ‘R-dot’ and has carried us through to this day. It did not take long before the ‘R-dot’ moved into apparel as the brand became more established and recognised in the world of surfing.

Throughout the 1990s and 2000s, Rusty Surfboards endorsed many of the pro-surfers of that decade including Taylor Knox and Chris Ward, Cj and Damien Hobgood, Jamie O’Brian, Kalani Robb and more recently; Josh Kerr, Noa Deane and now Wade Carmichael and Caio Ibelli.